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About Us...

 We have always had dachshunds as part of our lives. I grew up with smooth dachshunds ruling our home. When I moved out to my own home we of course had 2 smooth boys as pets. They grew with our children, slept in their choice of beds at night, and also ruled the house. At some point when our children were young Mike had seen cream longhair dachshunds and shared his idea of bringing one into our family. The rest is history. We would love to share our love of these amazing dogs with you.  

Now that our children are grown and have homes of their own, our days are spent on 5 acres with dogs, cats, 2 horses, and our small online resale business. Our children live close and visit often. We also have our awesome grandchildren with us every week. Kids and animals are a wonderful combination! I'm showing with more frequency and would always love to talk dog.


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